Raney's De Rio Winter Ryah SH
AKC: SR88289201
DOB: 04/14/2015
OFA: LR-227374G25F-VPI Hips-Good
OFA: LR-EL78549F25-VPI Elbow-Normal
CNM: Clear
EIC: Carrier
Owner: Steve & Carrie Raney
"Ryah" is a gorgeous looking yellow female and her marking in the fields at such a young age is amazing! Pups in her litter has been some of the best pups we have ever seen and can't wait to see how they mature. We will be repeating this breeding in 2016. Ryah has an excellent pedigree with "22" Field Champions & Master Hunt Titles in four generations which includes FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion, 2xNAFC 2XCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac, FC AFC Dare To Dream and our dog "Hall of Fame" Sureshot's Rio De Dinero MH MNH5. Keep an eye on this one!!!
Raney's Cumoran Traveling Rebel SH
AKC: SR88289201
DOB: 5/3/2015
OFA: LR-227373G24F-VPI Hips-Good
OFA: LR-EL78548F24-VPI Elbows-Normal
CNM: Clear
EIC: Clear
Owner: Steve & Carrie Raney
"Moran" is a very stylish yellow female just like her mother "Morah". She is just at the beginning of what we see as being a very successful career. Moran has an excellent pedigree with "20" Field Champions & Master Hunt Titles, which includes five National Amateur Field Champions, NAFC FC AFC Trumarc's Zip Code, NAFC FC Hattie McBunn, 2xNAFC 2xCNAF FC AFC Ebonstar Lean Mack, NAFC FC AFC Cody Cut A Lean Grade and her Sire NAFC FC AFC Paddle Creek's Pack you Grip. Her Dam is our "Hall of Fame" Froghollow's Cumoran Rebel MH MNH5. What a line up!!!!
Raney's Tanner Has A Rebel Yell JH
AKC: SR93588902
DOB: 5/21/2016
OFA: LR-234158E24F-VPI Hips Excellent
OFA: LR-EL84338F24-VPI Elbows Normal
CNM: Clear
EIC: Clear
Owner: Steve & Carrie Raney
"Tanner" is a very good looking and energetic yellow female. Her damn is out of our dog Morah who is has passed the AKC Master National seven times and is in the "Hall of Fame". Tanner has an excellent pedigree with "23" Field Champions & Master Hunt Titles, which includes FC AFC Rebel With A Cause, FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion JH, 2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC AFC Ebonstar Lean Mack, NAFC FC AFC Trumarc's Zip Code and much more! What a line up!!!!

Maggie Of Hurley MH
AKC: SR98587704
OFA: Hips Good
OFA: Elbows Normal
EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear
Morah (Retired)
Froghollow's Cumoran Rebel MH, MNH7
AKC: SR41165503
DOB: 03/05/2007
OFA: LR-181670G25F-VPI Hips-Good
OFA: LR-EL43498F25-VPI Elbows-Normal
CNM: LR-CNM11-458-F-PI-Clear
EIC: Clear
CERF: LR-55075
Owner: Steve & Carrie Raney
"Morah" is a very stylish yellow female. Everyone loves to watch her run in the field. She passed six straight Senior Hunt Test followed by five straight Master Hunt Test earning her her Master Hunter Title. She qualified and passed the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015 Master Nationals receiving her AKC Master National Hunter Title in 2012 entering her into the "Hall of Fame. Morah has an excellent pedigree with "18" Field Champions & Master Hunt Titles in four generations which includes FC AFC Rebel With A Cause & FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion JH.
Ria (Retired)
Raney's Ria De Latte' MH, MNH4
AKC: SR51582102
DOB: 7/26/2008
OFA: LR-209720E24F-VPI Hips-Excellent
OFA: LR-EL63810F24-VPI Elbows-Normal
CNM: LR-CNM11-459-F-PI-Clear
EIC: Carrier
Owner: Steve & Carrie Raney
"Ria" is a beautiful looking black female and an outstanding athlete and was destined to succeed from the start. She qualified and passed the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 Master Nationals receiving her AKC Master National Hunter Title in 2013 entering her in the "Hall of Fame". Ria has "23" Field Trial and Hunt Test Titles in four generations which includes Sureshot's Rio De Dinero MH MNH5.