300 yard retrieve in the current, get them Ranger!
Thank you for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to work with you and Ranger. Looking forward to starting Rangers advanced gun dog training!
Thank you for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to work with you and Ranger. Looking forward to starting Rangers advanced gun dog training!

Holly got her first dove today.
Thank you for giving Raney Ranch Retrievers the opportunity to work with you and Holly. She is doing amazing in her finished gun dog training. Looking forward to the New Year with her!
Thank you for giving Raney Ranch Retrievers the opportunity to work with you and Holly. She is doing amazing in her finished gun dog training. Looking forward to the New Year with her!

George made his first flush and retrieve on pheasant yesterday. He was great and got better on every field. You did a great job with him!
Thank you Richard for choosing Raney Ranch Retrievers to work with and and George!
Thank you Richard for choosing Raney Ranch Retrievers to work with and and George!

Izzy First Christmas Tree. Last year she was up with you guys. Thanks for training her.
Bob, thanks for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to work with Izzy!
Bob, thanks for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to work with Izzy!

I highly recommend Raney Ranch! After the wife and I went with a CBR pure bred pup. I knew training was essential not only for any retriever but especially a bird dog. Being that I'm literally brand new to hunting just finding Raney Ranch was a miracle. I knew I wanted a gun dog program but had no idea that one was right outside of my hometown SD. What I found was a remarkable program with an even more impressive staff. My Chessie finished the 6 month program in 5 and the results ~ well the results are even more impressive. My dog came home a completely different animal and is proving to be the best dog I've ever owned. Wether your hunting or just need obedience for a month or two you can't go wrong having your pup trained at the Ranch. When comparing prices with some of the other local trainers not only is Raney Ranch much much cheaper. The training your getting is bar none as good as it gets. When you do drop off your pup make sure to take advantage of everything they offer up there. Sat family training days and Thurs training days are a must. Something I didn't have a whole lot of time to do but wish I had. If your able to spend a few hours a week with your pup, not only will you become a better handler but your pup will learn much faster with you there every week. Something I plan on taking full advantage of next summer while we do the advanced program! Ask questions and ask more questions. The staff is remarkable and the property is stunning to say the least! Top notch 5 star training program! Enjoy!

Ryely nails it. Two hunts, 21 ducks and 2 geese. You did a great job Danielle. Thank You!
Thank you Mike for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up!
Thank you Mike for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up!

I wanted to touch base and let you know Bulleit is adjusting wonderfully. First day he was unsure about wood and tile floors and refused to lay down even when he was drifting to sleep. Now he playing taking naps behaving. Figuring out the crate is his safe place and starting to learn that dog beds are nice too. He's is wonderful and the family loves him.
Thank you Jeff for choosing a puppy from Raney Ranch Retrievers Build A Gun Dog Program !
Thank you Jeff for choosing a puppy from Raney Ranch Retrievers Build A Gun Dog Program !

Lily's first days home after obedience training at Raney Ranch Retrievers. Enjoying her time hiking with Dan and being back with the family. Happy Thanksgiving Carrie, Steve and the entire staff at Raney Ranch Retrievers!

Carrie, I want to thank you very much for having me wait for Ryahs offspring! We are so blessed to have Nellie in our lives,she is such a great dog .
Thank you for choosing a Ranch Retrievers puppy!
Thank you for choosing a Ranch Retrievers puppy!

Bruce took Quinn hunting in Arizona last weekend for Dove. She was awesome. She retrieved through water without hesitation. We are so thrilled with her. He even met another family last weekend that also had a GSP that had apparently been trained at Raney Ranch!

George made his first flush and retrieve on pheasant yesterday. He was great and got better on every field. You did a great job with him!
Thank you Rich for giving us the opportunity to work with your dog! Looking forward to working with you and George again! Keep us posted.
Thank you Rich for giving us the opportunity to work with your dog! Looking forward to working with you and George again! Keep us posted.

Stihl, a Advanced Finished Gun Dog from Raney Ranch Retrievers, has found his forever home with Tim & Judy Schults in South Carolina. He will also be duck hunting on their property in the flooded timbers of Arkansas.

Here is my short explanation why he is the best dog in the world. Rawley is a lover, he is kind and gentle. Never once has he chewed anything. He never misses a duck or deer. Always patient and loyal. He doesn’t make a peep. He taught himself shake and high five. He loves kids, babies and showers. Rawley will hunker down anywhere with you. He is extremely obedient. He will retrieve literally anything including a tire or cell phone. I am so grateful to have him in our family!
Thank you Steve and Carrie for the best dog in the world. Rawleys dad
Thank you James for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up!
Thank you Steve and Carrie for the best dog in the world. Rawleys dad
Thank you James for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up!

"This is my son Logan( 5yrs old) and his first duck hunt. He was so excited to get a pic with the ducks and "his little brother Ranger. It was an awesome time and great experience!"
Thank you Donnie for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up! What a beautiful picture!!
Thank you Donnie for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and giving us the opportunity to train em up! What a beautiful picture!!

"Carrie, Just another fun day in the marsh with a fabulous dog! Hope all is well" Thank you for giving Raney Ranch Retrievers the opportunity to work with your dog! NICE work Zoe!

"She is such a great and loving dog with an unbelievable nose!" Another Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy, meet Nellie!

Caymus is doing great! Hunting only two days after the pickup, she and me re-learning the leash, etc. She "froze" two times in the field When the brush was high.... and Danielle had warned me about that.... (had to carry her out about 30 yards...uggh), But followed commands really well and was on her game. I'm working with her on her nose.... On many birds she would step over them As she was using her eyes and not her nose, But in the last week of training in the brush with blind retrieves she's doing much better at sniffing out pheasant & quail wings. Took her up to the Sierras last weekend ...she got her first taste of 25° weather. Headed up there again this weekend, and then the following weekend back to Mexico for more pheasant and quail. She has also figured out now Where we want her to pee & eliminate, So she staying a lot cleaner in her kennel. Had a bit of a barking problem, but Bark collar over the last 3-4 days Has made a big difference! Very happy with the dog - thank you much !!

"Margie did well on her first hunt. Thank you!"
Another Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy enjoying her first hunt. Thank you John Pratt for giving us the opportunity to work with your dog!
Another Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy enjoying her first hunt. Thank you John Pratt for giving us the opportunity to work with your dog!

Lola is really an incredible dog and family member, we couldn’t be happier. She is so mellow and loving around the house but once we hit the field or marsh she’s a hunting machine. I’ve been completely blown away with how she takes to training, she just gets it! She handles incredibly well - whistle, casts, marks, blinds - she just gets better every day. She even got her first honkers this last weekend and she handled those big birds like a champ.

Many thanks to all of your team. She has her basics down we are killing birds what she was born to do.

Rangers first weekend HUNTING! Thank you Donnie SR & Donnie JR for choosing a Raney Ranch Retrievers puppy and having us train him up. We are looking forward to training him to a Finished Gun Dog.
This picture is amazing!
This picture is amazing!

Skye's 1st duck yesterday morning. She retrieved 5 by herself and I helped her with 2 she did not see go down. Thanks and talk to yo soon.

Ryely's doing great! She needs her work every day. She picks up doubles and triples with ease. Memory bird no problem. She's stopping to the whistle takes casts left right and backs. I couldn't be happier! I can't wait to take her for real.

She worked totally beyond my expectations. 1st hunt of the year and Princess did great!

Having a Raney dog has been the greatest treat to date. I could go into details but it would be far too long to type. If anyone has the opportunity to own one, you will look at other dogs as a nuisance. Most behaved well mannered labs in the land. Mark my words! Thank you Carrie Pond-Raney and Steve Raney for Rawley. He is such a blessing to our family.

Hi Carrie. Time for a report card on Score. What a sweetheart! My wife Ellen loves her; far and away the most affectionate Lab of the six we have had the pleasure of owning. As a gun dog, she is a treat; an absolute machine at retrieving dove. Pheasant have been a learning experience and each trip she builds on the last. Fun to watch her figure it out. She now quarters beautifully and I am learning her “birdy” behavior. A good nose. She is now a pal of our aging beagle and Lab; that took awhile. Now for the negatives; not many. Still a puppy, so she loves to devour running shoes and dog beds. Finally, she is smart and trainable; working on taking a line. Thanks to you Steve and Dallon for a wonderful pal.

Hi Carrie, Flair just turned a yr old a couple weeks ago . My son Cole and I have been working with her. She is amazing. Almost ready to begin duck hunting !

My pup Coal is now 1 1/2 years old. Our dockdiving season is coming to an end for the year and Coal just completed his first Ultimate Air Games at Purina Farms in Missouri. Out of 400 dogs, he placed 5th in the Ultimate Division (this Division jumps between 24'-26'). He did an amazing job this year with many AKC accomplishments. Super proud of him. Thank you for this amazing pup.

Guys, I can't tell you how pleased I am with the dog I bought from you almost six years ago. Mylo came in 3rd at the NAGDA nationals last weekend only because I missed shots. He smoked every other dog every run... no kidding.... no other dog even came close!!! Steve promised me he'd be a "machine". Well not only is he all that but my best friend too! Thank you more than I could ever say 🙂

Moses turned 3 this summer and even though I send you numerous text pictures of him through the years I wanted to share our experience with your clients and soon to be clients. Moses is from Button & Rios litter. He's a show stopper, avid bird chaser and most recently ditected his non biological sisters cancer. Hes defiantly on target. We live on the golf course so he enjoys cart rides and greeting the golfers and chasing the birds. Moses is a stud. He's so loving, sensitivenand and loyal. I thank you from my heart for giving me the gift of my life. He's cherished, loved, spoiled and adored as our extended child in our family. Thank you for giving us the most magical dog. Raney Ranch rocks!!!! Love & Smiles, Colleen & Moses????
Moses turned 3 this summer and even though I send you numerous text pictures of him through the years I wanted to share our experience with your clients and soon to be clients. Moses is from Button & Rios litter. He's a show stopper, avid bird chaser and most recently ditected his non biological sisters cancer. Hes defiantly on target. We live on the golf course so he enjoys cart rides and greeting the golfers and chasing the birds. Moses is a stud. He's so loving, sensitivenand and loyal. I thank you from my heart for giving me the gift of my life. He's cherished, loved, spoiled and adored as our extended child in our family. Thank you for giving us the most magical dog. Raney Ranch rocks!!!! Love & Smiles, Colleen & Moses????

What a great experience we had entrusting our Lab, Roxy, with Raney Ranch. Roxy is a 4 year old Silver Lab and has always loved to hunt and was pretty good in the field and blind. I trained her to a certain point but struggled to get her to "started Gun Dog" status. Bill St Clair took her under his wing and, while I was skeptical, he turned her into an outstanding, calm and obedient dog in just 2 and half months. While I have yet to hunt with her, and I need to continue to work with her each day to reinforce her training, I am looking forward to our first dove hunt in September and many more hunts to come over the next 6 plus years. In watching Steve Raney and Bill work with their dogs, of all ages and levels, it is clear that they are dedicated to ensuring top quality hunting dogs for all level of hunters. They also offer tune up sessions and much needed Rattle snake avoidance training. Finally, the staff and "family" at Raney Ranch was always available, friendly and welcoming. Thanks Carrie Raney for making this process easy and rewarding. Our next hunting dog will certainly be a Raney trained hunter!

One day I put in the Raney Ranch video you guys gave us when we got Louie. Louie was on the floor near my chair sleeping when I put the video in. As soon as he heard Steve's voice on the video he got up and stood in front of the TV glued to the sound of Steve and sight of him working with the dogs. It was so funny! He never pays attention to TV, but he was mesmerized by the sight and sound of Steve. Steve made a lasting impression!

After being pampered and spoiled by the wife I took Haley on her first mx dove hunt, while I know they get excellent training u still have to wonder how they'll do in a hunt situation, yes they see birds go up from blinds and land in the field but they don't see a lot falling from the sky. I took Steve's advice and didn't shoot with her the 1st time, Dave, Jetts dad, did the shooting, she did not disappoint and was very attentive which is all u can ask for. We were also hunting with Fred and Stone, she even got a compliment from Fred as to how she did the 1st time out. Wow, I told her ive known him 35 yrs and never got a compliment and she should be proud, haha she got thru Thursday evening with flying colors. It seems when she got to the field Friday morning she had really settled down, see pic, come Saturday morning she seemed tired after retrieving 60 birds the day before but once we got to the field she came alive. What was really encouraging was that now she was watching the sky looking for her next retrieve, we worked a small.amount on hand signals yesterday but she was pretty busy, haha, she got home yesterday evening and was glad to see her shepherd sister, what a combo, but they've so bonded, great dog, just wanted to share with you!? Haleys living the dream!

We love our Raney Ranch girl Gussie, now almost 3 years old. She is so smart, eager to please, and is incredibly sweet to other dogs, adults, and children. She is a phenomenal athlete and loves to run with me, swim in the ocean, and retrieve her tennis balls and bumpers. She is up for any adventure! Thank you Raney Ranch!

Thank you Raney Ranch! Our boy Ruckus has become an amazing gun dog and we could not be more proud of him. A special Thanks to Bill St. Claire for his extra attention and care during his training and for getting him through his Jr. Hunt testing. He's is a wonderful family pet as well as a great hunting companion. We brought him to Raney Ranch Retrievers for basic obedience training, but after spending a Saturday watching the other Raney gun dogs out on the field we knew we wanted Ruckus to experience gun dog training. It was hard being away from him for so long, but each weekend we came to the ranch to watch his progress was more and more exciting.

Carrie, Here's a picture of Remi and me on a late season dove hunt in Mexico. We have had the best time together in the field this season. She is more than I could have imagined a dog could be and she's only 21 months old!! I am so happy with her training progress in the field and at the Hunt Test. She passed her first Senior Test and I can't wait to see how she will progress this spring and summer. Steve has it figured out, obedience, retrieving and, hunting!!! Thank You so much!

Carrie, I remember when I told you her name you said, "that's a first." I brought Bardot home at 7 weeks, she was so tiny that she fit comfortably in my hand. From day one I held her in the water, just to get her used to the feeling. This was also a precaution, since I’d seen her do those crazy vertical puppy leaps that come out of nowhere and defy gravity. If she accidently fell in, I didn’t want her to panic before I had a chance to scoop her out. In a matter of weeks she was swimming around like a guppy. Bardot and I started playing with sinkable toys in the pool. I would put them on the steps and she would dunk her head the inch or two into the water to retrieve them. Within a week, we’d upped the ante and I was dropping the toys into the 4ft. shallow end and she was diving down and bringing them up. I would not call her graceful at this point, legs and other private parts were splayed all akimbo in the air as she taught herself how to propel underwater. One such toy was a rubber ball made of multi-colored ropes of plastic. I tossed it in one Saturday, and she stood at the edge ready to leap as it started rolling into the deep end. Pretty soon in was at the lowest point of the pool, in 8ft. of water. She looked at me forlorn, and I said, “Hold on, Bardot, I’ll get the net”. I was headed to the pool shed when I heard the splash. I turned around and she was gone. Seconds later she broke back through the surface, ball in her mouth, releasing a big breadth of air. About that time I let out my own gasp followed by massive hyperventilation. Bardot dropped the ball at my feet, and cocked her head at me, wondering why on earth I was breathing like that. She's since been on "Animal Planet", starred in Seth Casteel's "Underwater Dogs" book and calendars and hosts fans from around the world at: http://www.facebook.com/bardotthedivingdog. Thank you Steve and Carrie for truly giving me my bestie!

I am a huge fan of Raney Ranch Retrievers! We first sent them a dog to train 6 years ago and then again recently. Not only did they train our labs to be great dogs for our family, they have taught us to become better dog owners. Our whole family love the Raney's and the staff. I highly recommend their services!

Marty is home and showing off his Junior Hunter Rosettes. He went 4 for 4 to finish his JH title. The first 2 were at the Copper State HRC and this past weekend he got the 3rd and 4th at the Las Vegas HRC test. We are so very pleased with the training and care that Marty got at Raney Ranch with Bill (William St. Clair). We highly recommend Raney Ranch for anyone who wants their Retriever trained. They are a first class operation.
Next up for Marty will be some obedience and then on to Senior Hunter.
Next up for Marty will be some obedience and then on to Senior Hunter.

Thanks for giving my lab, Nellie such a great start to her hunting career. The bird hunting will start next fall but, she'll be finding some deer sheds this April!

I am so glad when we purchased Uno from Raney Ranch, and had him trained by Steve and Bill.2015 was his first duck season and he was great, steady quiet, all the training he had was obvious, He has so much drive and desire to please.
What a dog
What a dog

Thank you Steve, Carrie and Bill for taking Sadie to another level of training. Her potential was truly brought out through the commitment, patience and expert training methods at Raney Retrievers!

Skeeter, "What a dog". We had to pick a photo showing the "Rio" tail. And four feet off the ground running a bumper retrieve, that's our Skeeter. The Raney dogs are the smartest, most obedient, and sweetest tempered dogs around. We always get compliments on Skeeter whether she is walking around the block, or fetching bumpers at the beach. Thanks Steve and Carrie for a great family of Labradors.

Just wanted to say thank you to Bill,Steve and Carrie. I started last year with a puppy with limited knowledge of all that went in to training a hunting dog let alone a hunt test dogs. After leaving him at the ranch for 6 months while I was out of the state working I came home to a well trained hunting partner who now has a JR Hunt title. They exceeded my expectations and can't wait to continue working with everyone at the ranch.
Thank you again.
Thank you again.

HI Carrie, I just want to send over a huge thank you to Steve and Bill for their help w/my handling. I posted Hazy’s video online (hope you don’t mind,) Anyway this caused two good friends from up North to call me. Every one of them saying the vast improvement in handling....now I don’t care about the kudos...the point is, I have finally been able to figure out how to handle the dog right & put it into practice, thanks to Steve and Bill. I am now a firm believer in “the Raney way” and I cannot wait to get out there and train more! Just want to also let you know I am very interested in more grooming this year! Thanks again and see you soon

Autumns first duck. It's a spoonie, but it was for Autumn. Six ducks down and retrieved, she was steady in the blind. She worked awesome, Bill you did good.
Thank you Raney Ranch.
Thank you Raney Ranch.

Hi Carrie, I hope all is well at Raney Ranch. We are loving Lola, attached is a photo of the rapidly growing girl. Some days she grows a pound...sometimes less. She is up to about 26 Pounds…up from the whopping 11 pounds on Halloween. She can be a bit of a terrorist and loves to show off her baby teeth, but she is super loved, loving, and in a great place! Thank you again for creating this great match!

After 6 months with Raney Ranch, I recently picked up my yellow lab Duke. I must admit, in the beginning, as I was preparing to drop him off with the Raney Ranch team, I was apprehensive. After my first visit to the Ranch all of those emotions were gone for good. I was immediately impressed with the caliber of the Ranch, it's grounds, and its General maintenance and upkeep. I was dispatched to Alaska for most of the past 6 months, which was also a primary concern for me, worried about the distance and my inability to communicate with the Raney Team. They were so professesional and communicative, relaying Duke's progress. I'm proud to be able to announce that Duke has passed 3 JR Hunt test and will be coming back to work with Bill St.Clair to complete another hunt test to obtain a title as soon as my schedule permits! I felt inclined to let all who are interested in having their dog receive high quality training know about my amazing experiences with Raney Ranch Retrievers. I would recommend that you take some time to look into their training facilities and Ranch, you will be happy you did! Thank you Bill,Carrie and Steve for everything and to our future endeavors!

Waylon has been training up at Raney Ranch for approximately 4 months now and I have been very happy with the experience. The crew up at Raney Ranch is very friendly and very caring with the dogs. Carrie , Steve and Bill have all been extremely professional. They have trained Waylon to be a multi game hunter from waterfowl to dove and pheasant (retrieving and pointing). I took him for the first hunt for dove opener and he was on it and I am very pleased. I can only imagine how great he will be when he completes his masters. I would highly recommend Raney Ranch to anyone who wants a dog trained.
Thx Raney Ranch ,
Thx Raney Ranch ,

Carrie, I wanted to give you a quick update on Louie. Since we brought him home, he is doing very well! He has taken to his crate without problems and sleeps pretty much through the night next to our bed. Occasionally he may whine but quickly quiets when hearing our voices. He is eating and drinking well. He's pretty good about using the designated bathroom area when we take him there in time. Had a few accidents, but not bad. He is basically a little terror for about 30 minutes when awake. Chewing on everything. Then he sleeps. He is so lovable and sweet! Let's us cuddle him and sleeps on our chests. We are totally in love with him! Thank you again for allowing us to have one of your beautiful pups. We so appreciate it! Best Regards,

Hi Carrie. 1 week update. Ruby is doing well. She is a very good pup. I am seeing the stubbornness that chocolates are known for. She is a beautiful girl and has had a great first week with us. One thing that has been very surprising for me is how easy it has been kennel training her, really no training she just enjoys her kennel with very little fussing. Here are a few recent pictures. Thanks again Carrie!

Hi Carrie, Just to let you know, I have fallen hard for Blossom. She is adorable, absolutely hilarious and a joy. She has still not gotten used to being alone in her crate at night ... we're working on it ... It is pitiful to hear her cry and I think I am having a harder time than she is with her situation. Neither Dan nor I have succumbed to her ... yet 🙂

Hi Carrie and Steve, Wanted to let you know that two of your dogs took and passed their Disaster Search Canine Certification this weekend and passed! John Redd from Nevada Task Force One and Nero tested together for the first time and did a great job!! Mike Porter, also from Nevada Task Force One and Allie tested and passed as well! Allie is the puppy that my Assistant Trainer John Murrey purchased from you a couple of years ago. The two new pups I just purchased from you are slated to go to Nevada as well and I expect them to turn out to be super search dogs! Here are a few pics! Take care,

Hi Steve and Carrie, We wanted to send you an update regarding our puppy, "Bolt", from Button's (Rio) litter! Shortly after bringing him home, it was more appropriate to name him "Bolt", aka "Lightning Bolt", than his original name "Bingo". We were not aware we would be receiving an Olympic athlete from you! He loves to run, jump and swim, and has an enormous amount of energy, drive, athleticism and enthusiasm! We are thrilled with him! He has happily settled in with our family, and second retriever Max. We look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you very much!

Just to give you an update on Grady, we get compliments every time he is in public with us on how good looking of a dog he is and how well behaved. He has so much drive it's amazing, he does t know when to quit. Just wanted to thank you again on how happy we are to be part of the Raney family. Thanks

Carrie. I'm in the third day with my 10 week old female Remi. So far she has been "Push Button", coming when she's called, going to the door to be let out and sleeping through the night in her crate without a peep!! Amazing!! Everybody loves her and she loves everybody!! I did my homework and it's paying off!! The Raney's have it figured out, breeding and training!!! So happy with my pup!!!

Carrie, update on the puppy I picked up from Buttons litter. She has been named Maggie. Maggie has grown in the short time we have had her. She is very active and seems to be adjusting very well. I am very happy with her and am thrilled to have her. She has been to the vet and received booster shots. She seems to know her name and actually comes pretty well when called. I really wanted a dog from you and Steve. I am so glad I waited for this litter to come along. I retire in September so Maggie will be getting a lot of my time. Thanks again.

Hi Carrie, it's been a week having Moses and we are loving every bit of it! He has put on over a pound and was all cleared by the vet. He got his second shots on Friday. Moses is so happy. Lots and lots of energy. Bought him a baby pool and he loves the water. Taking him swimming next week. We couldn't have picked another. He fits right in with everyone. He is crate trained too. Mostly 95% potty trained too. A smart boy. I just love how he isn't afraid of anything!! Took him outside this morning to go potty and he saw something and pointed for the first time!! Too cute. Can't thank you enough for this special boy Moses! He's brought so much love and joy into our lives. I will keep you updated on his journeys.

We are Raney Ranch's biggest fans. Steve and Carey Raney are the most devoted and professional trainers and run the finest facility we've ever seen. Just being at the ranch with them and all the wonderful dogs is a pleasure. We highly recommend Raney Ranch and all its' programs to everyone interested in top shelf training for their retriever.
This is Grace on her way to Raney Ranch's head start program!
This is Grace on her way to Raney Ranch's head start program!

We have purchased two gorgeous Labs from Raney Ranch. Top notch training facility, top notch trainers. We could not be happier. Thank you Raney Ranch for being the BEST!

We met Steve at a hunt test where I shared some of my frustrations with our dog. He invited us to come train at the ranch on Saturdays. After a few trips, we decided to leave Bella with Steve & Carrie for some additional training. We are very happy with the results. Thanks for treating our dog as if she was one of your own. P.S. I love the Saturday BBQs in the field.

Buck has turned out to be a great dog, I would highly recommend anyone thinking of getting a retriever to do so from Raney Ranch. Easy to deal with and took care of everything for me. Thanks,

I met Steve and Carrie Raney at a hunt test and was very impressed with the number of outstanding dogs that Steve was running in the test. I then visited their amazing 90 acre ranch and was thrilled with the training grounds. Their ranch is my first choice for boarding and we drive all the way from Las Vegas to drop the dogs off! My dogs love the training grounds both for water and land retrieves. Steve and Carrie’s knowledge of the hunt test rules and guidelines have been invaluable for me in competing in hunt tests! Thanks!

We love our 10 month old pup, Ruger (from Ruger and Trigger’s litter). He is a great looking dog that we get compliments on all the time! He is extremely smart, is quick to learn, and loves the water. Ruger completes our family. Thanks! Best regards,

I wanted to take a minute to thank you so much for Lacie. I took her to her first vet appointment two weeks ago in Irvine and our vet was really impressed with her. Apparently he had heard about you and Steve from a few friends of his who worked with dogs trained at your ranch. Lacie is the first puppy he has met from your ranch so he was quiet curious about her – he spent 30 minutes with us during his first examine!! He had heard good things about your program so he is looking forward to watching one of your pups mature!! We have been going to this animal vet for the past 12 years with our other lab, so they are all excited to see that we have a new healthy lab pup. It is a small world and I thought I would share the positive feedback on all your hard work!!

Steve, Carrie & Rob, Here is a picture of Melissa, Reagan and me on our latest duck hunting trip. Reagan was awesome in the blind sitting patiently waiting for the ducks to work and watching as they circled above. She retrieved all seven downed ducks without hesitation. Two of them were blind retrieves which would have been lost had she not had handling training from you. She even retrieved a speckle bellied goose which she hadn’t even seen before. Thanks again for the hard work and training Reagan received. It really paid off!

We love our dog River! He has added so much joy, laughter and adventure to our lives. From the veterinarian to complete strangers, we consistently receive comments about how good looking he is. We are so thankful that we found Carrie and Steve. The entire experience, from the time we contacted them to the time we picked up River, or did he pick us? was an awesome experience. They are complete professionals that were informative as well as being warm and inviting. When the time arrived to pick up River we had complete confidence that we were getting a dog that was well bred, smart and healthy. We are looking forward to the day when we can go back and pick out a brother or sister for River. Thank you so much for our wonderful dog!

I met Steve and Carrie Raney several years ago when they started getting their ranch established as a premier dog training facility. My family and I met with Steve and we hit it off pretty quickly. Steve and Carrie made us feel like we were part of the family and this is how it is still today. I started working with Steve in hopes of getting Dakota ready for the AKC Junior Hunt Tests. I learned a tremendous amount from Steve and he taught me not just how to properly handle Dakota but also how to prepare for the mental and technical aspects of competing in an AKC Junior Hunt Test. Steve knew Dakota and I were ready for her to compete before I knew. I took Steve at his word and entered Dakota in her first AKC Junior Hunt Test. She passed it and then passed the next three. Four passes and no fails and Dakoata had earned her AKC Junior Hunt Title. I still train with Steve up at the ranch and I still have a lot to learn from this truly gifted dog trainer and handler. In addition, for those of you who are looking for a quality labrador, Steve and Carrie only have the best puppies to offer.

Steve and Carrie, I just wanted to let you know that Hunter is doing great. I think that sending him to be with you for those 2 months was one of the best things that we could have done for him. He is so social. He loves other dogs and people. He is really turning into a great dog. Though his name is Hunter he has turned more into a fisherman. I have been unable to hunt much, but he LOVES fishing. We have been thinking of getting another dog at some point. It would be great to get one from you when the time is right. We have a 13 year old Yellow who is still doing pretty well but I don't think he'll be around for too much longer. Thanks again for everything!

If you are looking for a great Lab, look no further. Steve and Carrie are wonderful people who breed wonderful dogs. RYDER (from Ruger and Triggers litter) is now 16 months and he has been great. He is smart, handsome, high energy, and very loving with our two sons. He loves the water, hiking, and running. Since he was a pup we consistently received compliments about how beautiful he is, how great his coat is, etc. When it’s time for a second Lab (hopefully soon), we will definitely return to Raney Ranch! Here is a picture of him (at 8 months old) jumping into the pool trying to get the
orange tennis ball. Thanks.
orange tennis ball. Thanks.